
Thursday, November 25, 2010

HAPPY THANKSGIVING + What I'm Thankful For!

I hope everyone have a blessed and safe Turkey Day!!!

This is the last photo my Pop-pop and I took before he passed away. This was taken Thanksgiving 2009.

I am thankful for my family. My mom supports me in whatever I do no matter what. There are times that I am not feeling confident about things going on in my life but the sound of her voice just makes things better. She has been my personal cheerleader since day one and I know I would not have made it without her. 

I am thankful for my boyfriend. He is a huge part of this blog and my life. Even when I'm mean and pissy, he's patient.

I am thankful for food, shelter, good health and peace-of-mind. God is good y'all!

I am thankful for my for my dog Cannon. He is expensive, moody and always in the way but he brings so much joy to my life. He is perfect!

I am thankful for you, my readers. I am thankful for all the love and support that you all show; for coming back, the beautiful comments, for following. You are truly the greatest!


Thanks for leaving a sweet little note! It makes my day!