
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Taking Time to Smell the Roses...

For the past two weeks postings around here has been scarce. Its my goal to have a new post for you all Monday through Friday and I've been failing miserably. Lately I've been working tirelessly at work, my personal life, makeup consults and blogging that "the moment" has been slipping away. Its been a real challenge to balance and balance is what keeps me sane. So I think it's time that I regroup, refocus and come back to you all refreshed. I don't know how long this sabbatical is going to last but I will be back soon!!!

I'm praying for you all! Talk to you soon!!



  1. enjoy your sabbatical, get some rest, and have fun!!!

  2. Enjoy yourself. You will be missed!!!!

  3. Hi,I have just discovered ur blog and i love it... you should have a giveaway so that some of us who are in Africa can enjoy ur products and practice. i really like what u do...

  4. I'm a new follower from Natural Sunshine. Great blog! Sometimes we need some "ME" time to regroup, and just enjoy life. Your supporters will be around :)

  5. Hi! I love your blog and I have awarded you with a Stylish Blogger Award, check out my blog - Stylish Blogger Award
    Nia X

  6. Btw I hope you get time out to post soon! I still need make-up lessons!


Thanks for leaving a sweet little note! It makes my day!