
Monday, June 27, 2011


Hey ladies! Long time no chat. When I decided to take some time away from blogging I did not think it was going to be a whole two months. It still doesn't feel like its been two months because time is literally flying. Can you believe that its going to be July come Friday?? We are past the half year mark, soon we're going to be planning for the holidays and a new year.


So what have it missed? Have you all been keeping up with your goals? What about the spring cleaning we talked about? Me, well I've made some progress. I've sorted through what I wanted to do with my future and I made some progress but more on that another time. As far as the mental spring cleaning, that's a work in progress. After doing an assessment I realized I don't have many negative people in my life (thank God) so all the work that needs to be done is internal. I needed to just enjoy life. So that's what I did and that's what I'm going to always do.


So while away I enjoyed time with my boyfriend, traveled to Pennsylvania to watch my baby brother graduate high school, spent countless hours at the dog park, over indulged in Caribbean and Chinese food, slacked off at the gym, suffered a major breakout, made my own Shea Butter, planted a killer flower bed that I am SO PROUD of, got a pedicure with a design on my big toe (its been years since I had a design lol), walked Coney Island and got a hot dog from the original Nathans, became completely obsessed with McDonald's smoothies, learned how to do the wobble. Its been a good two months.

So I did think about the blog a little while I was gone, lol. While keeping makeup the main focus of the blog, I think I'm going to blog about other things that interest me. I enjoy cooking, home decor, landscaping among other things and I wanted to share those things here. As much as I love makeup, natural hair, shopping and all that jazz; I do enjoy other things. Would you all mind the blog branching out just a little? Let me know!


Lastly I want to thank you all for visiting the blog, tweeting me, liking me on Facebook and subscribing to my Youtube while I was gone. I really appreciate your patience while I took a moment for myself. THANK YOU!

What have I missed? Are there any new blogs I need to check out?


  1. awww missed u lots hun,u look absolutey stunning..glad u back

  2. Hooray! She's back. I love reading home decor magazines...go for it, I'll read it. The photos on this post are beautiful. Welcome back!

  3. Enjoying life is what life is all about. Welcome back! P.S. u always look so radiant in your pics :o)

  4. Hey Tamara,
    So glad to have you back, we would love to hear you blog about other things other than fashion and makeup!!!!! You look great, can't wait to see your new posts.

  5. we all need a break sometimes! Hope all is well Cuz! xoxo

  6. glad you're back, I missed your posts! sounds like you had a productive hiatus!

  7. Yay! you're back! I've missed your post. I'm glad your mental vacay was a success, regardless how much was accomplished.

  8. Welcome back, loving the pics and the hair!!!

  9. I just found your blog and I love it…BTW I have that same skirt in my closet and have not worn it years after seeing your post it may see the light of day again…Ok so I must follow so I can stay up to date with all your fabulosity!

  10. cute pics! From valissia lol

  11. OMG I did not know that you were back!! I have to catch up on the latest posts.


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