1. Take a look in the mirror: What would you like to change? This is a time where you really need to look within and be honest with yourself. A lot of times its simply our attitudes that has us in a rut. You may think you need a new wardrobe but you may just need an attitude adjustment (a real one and/or one from wet willy's).
2. Create a look book: Pull out those magazines that you subscribe to but hardly ever read and clip some pictures of pieces you would like to see in your wardrobe. I like to divide my binder {book} into sections (makeup, hair, clothes, shoes, accessories, etc) to keep organized. Refer to your look book before shopping to keep from being overwhelmed.
3. Makeup: If you don't wear any, START! Makeup is one of the easiest things you can do for a quick pick me up. It can also pull your look together by making you look more polished. If you already wear makeup, try new colors. Neutrals are beautiful but purple eyeshadow looks great on mostly everyone too. Find a shade that you like and try it out or pick up that lip color that catches your eye every time you go to the makeup counter but you're too nervous to try.
4. Hair: Try some color, get layers, cut a bang, switch the part from the left side to the right, GO NATURAL!! I know its not that simple when we are dealing with our hair but "Go on honey... take a chance!"
5. Wardrobe: First thing, clean out your closet! Especially if you have tons of clothes but never have anything to wear. With an over-filled unorganized closet its harder to see what you have which makes it harder to put outfits together. If you need to add new pieces, start with the basics and from there add fun accessories and statement pieces to make it easier to mix and match.
6. Smile: Nothing looks better on you than happiness. If you're not completely happy, fake it until you make it because it starts with in anyway!
Great posts.. Coming at the right time (fall/winter) my closet been clean out for ages now... I like the lookbook advice.. the perfect way for me to transition to looking like a grown woman with my petite still in the teenage stage body type.