Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Taking Time to Smell the Roses...

For the past two weeks postings around here has been scarce. Its my goal to have a new post for you all Monday through Friday and I've been failing miserably. Lately I've been working tirelessly at work, my personal life, makeup consults and blogging that "the moment" has been slipping away. Its been a real challenge to balance and balance is what keeps me sane. So I think it's time that I regroup, refocus and come back to you all refreshed. I don't know how long this sabbatical is going to last but I will be back soon!!!

I'm praying for you all! Talk to you soon!!


Monday, April 18, 2011

Get the Look | Rihanna Pretty in Pink


1. As always, beautiful makeup starts with beautiful skin. Be sure to cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin according to your skin type.

2. Apply a matte foundation to all over your face. Make Up For Ever's Mat Velvet + foundation hides imperfections, evens out skin tone, and mattifies with a non-oily, perfectly powdered finish. 

3. Next fill in your brows with a brow pencil. MAC has a great brown pencil that comes in a variety of colors. 

4. Highlight the area above your cheekbones with a concealer one shade lighter than your skin color or use YSL's Touche Eclat in a color that works best for you. Blend!!!

5. Prime your lids with Too Faced Shadow Insurance. Lightly dust an orangy/peachy/pinkish eyeshadow on your lid and carry it into the tear duct. If used lightly, MAC's Rule wwould work well.

6. For more drama, apply top AND bottom lashes. Red Cherry lashes will get the job done and they're very inexpensive. 

7. Add a cotton candy pink to your cheeks. NARS' Desire is a great option. 

8. Finally line your lips with a brown lip liner and fill in your lips with a light pink lipstick. Saint Germain from MAC's Quite Cute Collection is fabulous.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Tutorial | Gun Metal Eyes using the Sleek Storm Makeup Palette



What I Used:
Iman Stick Foundation in Clay 4
MAC Mineralized Skinfinish Natural in Dark
Sleek Makeup Palette
MAC Studio Finish Concealer in NC 45
Black eye liner
MAC Blacktrack Fluidline
Victoria's Secret Double Drama Mascara
NARS Orgasm blush
MAC Cork lipliner
MAC Frecklestone lipstick
MAC Entice lipglass

Friday, April 08, 2011

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Makeup for Absolute Beginners | Setting Powders and Finishing Sprays


A setting powder is a loose or compact sheer-to-medium coverage powder that “sets” your foundation so that it lasts  throughout the day. It adheres to any damp and/or sticky part of the foundation and creates somewhat of a seal. If you used a liquid foundation alone, you can usually feel a “damp” feeling on your face. You can combat this by using a loose setting powder. It can also help remove excess shine.

It’s really beneficial for us oily girls to use a setting powder so that the oils in our skin don’t break down our makeup to the point where it’s sliding and/or disappearing from our faces thus making touch-ups less frequent. It also can stop our makeup from getting all over our clothing or anything we touch throughout the day.

Translucent/Loose Powders~ provides a natural, virtually undetectable finish. In fact, you'll hardly know it's there. The fine-textured formula takes down shine without dulling and won't streak, cake or clog pores.Translucent/loose powders can be purchased in a color close to you skin tone or a white/off white color.

Pressed Powders~ also known as blotting powders provides a small amount of coverage. This powder usually comes in a compact and can be used throughout the day to control oil and shine. Pressed powder can also be used without foundation for minimal coverage.  Pressed powder are usual purchased in a color close to your skin tone. 

*A little goes a long way. If your face has a "casper the friendly ghost" look or your makeup starts to look cakey or you can flat out see the powder... you probably applied too much. 


Finishing sprays are usually applied by a spritzer on the face for a little 'pick-me-up'.  If you had a long day at work and don't have time to reapply for your after work festivities, a finishing spray works great. They are also perfect for the dewy look we all love. The spray is meant to resist the heat and humidity which causes smearing, melting and loss of makeup color. It is often used by make-up artists on models and actors for photo shoots and filming.

[I am not a reapply/touch-up girl, I don't even carry a makeup bag throughout the day. After applying my foundation in the morning I set it with MAC's Mineralized Skinfinish Natural, if I get oily I blot off excess oil with whatever I can find tissue. I use a finishing spray if I have something to do after work and don't want to reapply makeup.]

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

April's Letter from the Editor | Spring Cleaning for the Soul

I absolutely love the song Walking by Mary Mary, especially the line "Tell me what you see when I pass by// A shadow of clouds or a light in the sky.." While listening to this song I had a thought, why not take spring cleaning to another level? Instead of just cleaning my home from top to bottom, why not clean my soul. Spring is the season of renewal, rejuvenation and light; packing away all your heavy winter sweaters, boots, cold air and snow until fall. But how can you exude light when your mind is filled with worry, doubt and  negative clutter?

So let's start by packing away all the uninspiring thoughts, negativity, physical laziness, people, emotions... just stuff that weigh us down and has us feeling like we are always in the midst of a storm.  We will no longer burden ourselves with other people's issues to the point where we forget our own blessings. Once we're finished packing up the things that hold us back from living in light, we will bypass the attic take them to the curb and let the garbage man dispose of them indefinitely because we will not be unpacking that baggage come fall. It'll be then when our minds are clear enough to realize the true abundance, joy and light in store for all us this spring and beyond.

Remember those goals you wrote in January? You may have a little more energy to tackle those. There's still a lot of time left in 2011, you can still achieve whatever you set out to by years end. Rejuvenation, revitalization, peace and light... a spiritual renewal is what we should try and find under that pile of dust this spring.

Who's joining me?

What does my life say about me//
Can anyone see//
Does it show I rock with the Greatest?//
I can’t get back the time I spent//
Use the rest of it to show all the world how I made it//

I put one foot in front of the other...

Monday, April 04, 2011

Do You Embrace Shrinkage?

{This photo was taken a YEAR, 11/2009, after my BC, click here to see my hair growth journey}

They say that naturally curly/kinky hair shrinks between 20-80 percent, well I think mine shrink the entire 80 percent. I'm always shocked at my hair length after a workout or wash. But do I hate it? No. I actually think its quite fly if I can get it look the way I want every time I attempt a wash-n-go but that's another story.

Back when I was relaxed I was obsessed with length, mostly because I felt like I could never obtain the length I wanted. Since 'going natural' length is the far from my mind. I actually like that I can wear a TWA one day, a puff the next, a stretched twist out the following day and end the week straight.

A lot of people experience knotting and tangles when wearing their hair in a wash-n-go or shrunken fro, I don't have extremely dense hair but I do take a few precautionary steps.

~Do not wear this style for more than two days. {I wear my twist-outs or braid-outs for a week or more before washing again}
~Keep hair {super} moisturized.
~Keep fingers out of the hair. {I love touching my hair but I've noticed when wearing this particular style it causes more tangles}

How do you feel about shrinkage? Have you ever worn a shrunken fro? Did you have major tangles/damage afterward?

Friday, April 01, 2011

Feel Good Friday

"  I know my blessing is on the way. I can't see it right now but I stand by faith."

Yolanda Adams ~Victory


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