Thursday, March 31, 2011

Makeup for Absolute Beginners | The Brows

Be sure to read Let's Talk Brows! first.


Brush your brows 'up and out' with a brow brush or mascara wand.


Start to define your brow with a brown pencil or powder slightly lighter than your hair color. I used MAC's Spiked.


Follow your natural arch.


Use light stokes in the direction of your natural brow to fill in the rest.


Continue to fill-in to your liking.


*Optional~ to further define your brows take a concealer (your shade or a shade lighter) {I used the same concealer that I can use on the rest of my face} and apply is as if you are applying a brow bone highlight. This will give you brow and extra "oomph". 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Exfoliate Much?

Exfoliating is the one thing you can do 1-3 times a week to get a great glow. Exfoliation is the removal of the oldest dead skin cells that cling to the skin's outermost surface. Exfoliation is an important part of both facials and body treatments. When done correctly, exfoliation leaves the skin feeling smoother and fresher looking. Exfoliation also makes penetration easier for other facial products like serums and toners. Check out some of the options below to get your skin ready for summer.

St. Ives Apricot Scrub
Bliss Blood Orange + White Pepper Sugar Body Scrub
The Body Shop Tea Tree Exfoliating Pads
Clean and Clear Deep Action Exfoliating Scrub

Monday, March 28, 2011

DIY Beauty | Calming Facial Mask

What you'll need:
½ cup of plain yogurt
2 tablespoons Aloe Vera gel or juice
1 tablespoon raw honey
½ peeled cucumber
A few drops of chamomile oil

Mix well and leave on face for 10-15 minutes.

About the ingredients:
Yogurt~  has antibacterial properties make it a useful, degerming cleanser, and its lactic-acid content soothes irritation, clarifies the pores and softens the skin. It also has probiotics that are helpful with treating skin conditions like acne and eczema.
Aloe Vera~ has a great soothing effect to the skin. Heals sunburns, insect bites etc; it also gives the skin a healthy glow!
Raw Honey~ Heals and moisturizes dry patches of skin and inflamed areas. Raw honey has strong antibacterial properties that can act as a protective barrier on broken skin. Raw honey is also purported to stimulate skin regeneration.
Cucumber~ reduce puffy eyes, improve complexion and tighten open pores.
Chamomile Oil~ softens the skin and has a calming effect on the mind mind and eases fear, anxiety, anger, worries and tension during times of physical and emotional stress.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Feel Good Friday

“I feel very adventurous. There are so many doors to be opened, and I’m not afraid to look behind them.”

~Elizabeth Taylor

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Makeup for Absolute Beginners | Foundations: Coverage, Finish + Shades and Undertones

Foundation can do fabulous things to the skin. It can make your skin appear dewy, make your oily skin matte, cover blemishes, etc.  In addition to finding the right foundation for your skin type, coverage and finish are factors to consider also.

Coverage~ how much of your natural skin will show through.

Sheer coverage- gives luminosity to the skin.
Medium coverage-natural but can cover blemishes or redness.
Full coverage- will completely cover anything you would like to conceal.

Finish~ texture the foundation leaves on your skin.

Satin- dewy, luminous
Natural- perfect balance between satin and matte. Perfect for everyday.
Matte- oil controlled. No shine at all.

Shade and Undertones

This is where it can get real tricky. We've all picked up foundation that we thought were sure to be a perfect match on to find out it was all wrong. Choosing the correct shade and matching your undertones is imperative to the perfect foundation.

Undertones refer to the tones underneath your skin. Most people are yellow/golden, olive or pink/red. This is why some cosmetic companies use labels like warm/neutral/cool.  

Yellow/Golden = Warm
Olive = Neutral
Pink/Red = Cool

[Note: MAC's Neutral Cool (NC) vs Neutral Warm (NW) foundations work a little different.  For example, I have warm undertones but MAC's NC shades work best for my complexion because the cool from the NC shades neutralizes my warm undertones making the foundation appear more natural on me. Depending on your shade {see below} this theory may not work for you. I can only use this reverse theory with MAC. With other foundations like Loreal True Match, I have to stick to their warm shades. Get it?  Confusing.. I know.]

Some easy ways to determine your undertone is to (1) stand in natural light with a bare face and see which color(s) shine through your skin most or (2) look at the veins in your arm; if they appear green then your are more than likely warm, if they appear blue you are more than likely cool.

Shade refers to how light or dark your skin is. You should your match foundation on high plains of cheek to neck. A lot of us run into the issue where we may have two or three different shades on our face. You may have to use a lighter shade in the center of your face and a darker shade on the outer areas to avoid looking 'washed out'.

** I feel like this may be a little (a lot) confusing but I explained it the best I could. Remember 'if it aint broke don't fix it' and 'keep it simple'. I will try my best to answer any questions you may have.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"Guess What Girl... I'm Going Natural!!!!"


When I was transitioning I heard a 101 reasons why someone felt like they couldn't 'go natural'. I never asked but when I talked to friends or family about my transition they would say "girl, I don't think natural hair would look good on me" or [insert excuse number 2,301,650 here]. It never bothered me because my journey was for me and I'm not one of the those Natural Nazis who think relaxed hair equals self hate. I do advocate for natural hair but I don't judge people who slap on the creamy crack.

About six months to a year after my big chop some of the same friends would randomly expose that they are now transitioning to natural hair. It would come from total left field, something like {pats head} "its been 12 weeks since I had a relaxer and this new growth is bout to kill me... oh yeah I'm going natural. What can I do about this" or "your hair is fly and it grew out really fast. I haven't had a relaxer in four months, I think I'm going to take the plunge!!!!" It always make me chuckle inside because I remember when struggled with whether or not to go natural. I'm glad I'm able to inspire people close to me to do {what I feel} is best for their hair.

Who inspired you to go natural? Was it someone you knew in real life or online forums/blogs/youtube? After you transitioned did anyone ever tell you that you've inspired them to 'go natural'?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Get the Look | The Perfect Orange Lip

Just as I posted here, orange lips are all the rage this summer! I know what you're thinking- "I can not wear such a bold lip or this will not look good with my skin tone!!" Well here's where I prove you wrong; just like orange eyeshadow or orange blush, orange lipstick looks fabulous on women of color! Just Google it or keep reading to see how I make it work for me.

I lined my lips with MAC's Chestnut lip liner, put MAC's Morange on top then added a little C-Thru lipglass also by MAC.

Here are some other options that will work just as well!

Check an old YT video where I featured MAC's Morange lipstick. Hope this helps!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring Forecast | All About Color!

I love that Spring/Summer 2011 is all about color! Pastels are so fresh and feminine, perfect for spring. Even if you are more of a natural-face girl its very easy to add just a pop of color on your lips, eyes or cheeks. There are tons of eyeshadows, lipsticks and blushes in a myriad of colours, textures and finishes, so you're sure to find something you can work with!

The Lips

1. MAC Morange~ an amplified creme lipstick that's a great spring alternative from the traditional red.
2. MAC Catherina~ fuchsia lips paired with a bare face equals showstopper.

The Eyes

1. MAC Orange~ orange eyeshadow on brown girls is reminiscent of the perfect sunset. 
2. MAC Beautiful Iris ~ lavender, soft, girly, perfect!
3. MAC Lucky Green~ you'll look like a women who isn't afraid of taking chances.
4. Make Up For Ever Aqua Eyes~ one of these pigmented liners on the lower lash line will have you looking effortless and chic.
5. Diorshow Blue Mascara~ intense, dramatic, BOSS!

The Cheeks

1.NARS Taj Mahal~ The.Perfect.Glow!
2. NARS Exhibit A~ daring, bold and beautiful. 
3. NYX Creme Blush in Hot Pink~ everyone wants to look like the girl next door every now and then. A little goes a long way.
4. Make Up For Ever HD Blush in Caught in the Act~ Take a step on the wild side!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"A friend is one who strengthens you with prayers, blesses you with love and encourages you with hope." Unknown


My girls and I traveled to the mountains this past weekend for our annual girls getaway. This year we decided to check out the Blue Ridge Mountains in Blue Ridge, GA and we had a blast!! Our cabin was gorgeous (even though it was at the very top of the mountain) and the town of Blue Ridge was very quaint and full of character.

I have been fortunate to meet wonderful friends at every stage in my life but when I moved to Charlotte it was particularly hard because I felt I was at the point where people were generally not interested in making new friends. I was (finally) grown, just starting my career in a new city and lonely. After coming in contact with a few bad apples, I met the PERFECT set of friends. I mean these women are truly FABULOUS. Within the 2.5 years that we've known each other, we have made a lifetime of memories. I know that these five women (one is not photographed. She couldn't make it because she was purchasing her first home!!) will be in my life forever and I am so excited to share my journey with them. Our relationships are divine both collectively and individually.

Ecclesiastes 4:9–12
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.












Here we are all juiced up sharing our love for one another.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tutorial | Black and Purple Smokey Eye


What I Used:
Iman Stick Foundation
MAC Mineralized Skinfinish Natural in Dark
MAC Spiked Brow Pencil
MAC Studio Finish Concealer (Brow bone)
NYX Jumbo pencil in black
MAC Carbon e/s
MUFE #92 e/s
MAC Blacktrack Fluidline
NARS Orgasm Blush
MAC Currant lip liner
MAC Up the Amp lipstick
MAC C-Thru lipglass

Friday, March 11, 2011

Feel Good Friday

"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today."

~Malcolm X


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